Terms of Service
It could take up to 24-48h for us to answer you.
🛒 Policy before Buying
- Read FAQ before buying.
- Replacements will be given as per the warranty note mentioned in the product. So please read the product info carefully.
- We are not responsible of what you do with the product sold.
- You agree to: not change or edit internal info of the products.
- If we suspect some odd behavior with accounts, we reserve the right to make the warranty on hold, or limit the replacements offered per month.
- We will only provide replacements for our products.
- We reserve the right to update our TOS without notice.
- Any bad talk about our shop on public platforms without telling us will lead to an instant ban, with no refunds or service towards you.
- In case "You received a faulty product, or no product", You will contact us via SellPass Contact Query, or our Discord server, and we will send you replacements or fix the issues. but all sales are final, unless a refund is approved by an owner.
- Leave good feedback, and enjoy ❤️
📚 Policy After Buying
- 2 Day Warranty
- PayPal case = Blacklist + No replacement.
- None of the accounts we sell are cracked, we do not support any illegal activities.
- Bad feedback before contacting us = Blacklist + Ban.
- If you are disrespectful to support, your ticket will be closed without answer and NO refunds will be given.
- All products on RS | Rambo Shop are virtual goods, which means at the moment you buy, no refunds will be given, unless approved by an owner. If you try to chargeback, we will expose all of your information as a scammer.
⛔️ Replacement Policy
- If you leave a bad review before asking/contacting us for a replacement, you won't get a replacement.
- Contact us on Discord to get a replacement.
- Replacements can take up to 72h, but it depends on your order.
- We only do replacements, no refunds, unless approved by an owner.
- We don't replace 2FA accounts as you can get around 2FA with our bypass steps.
- We don't replace for "too many tries" at login, just wait a few hours and try again.
📛 Copyright Policy
- Reselling without permissions is strongly forbidden (Including our pictures, logo, etc.)
- We have full rights on our products and the designs.
🔒 Secure Payments
- All payments are secured by Sellpass and by your payment provider for example, PayPal.
- We can't review your PayPal account or anything like that.
- At the moment you pay, no refunds will be given unless approved by owner. (see Replacement Policy)
- All Payments are fully anonymous and untraceable.
- "Payment couldn't be identified?" Please contact us.
© 2023 RamboShop All Rights Reserved.
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